Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oscar Picks 2011!

Hello Movie Folks!

Crazy Movie Guy A-GoGo has all your Oscar picks for 2011 along with the reasoning behind them.  Please note, I'm limiting this to just a few categories.  Anyway, here are the picks:

Best Documentary: Exit Through The Gift Shop
Banksy's documentary challenges what a documentary should be, all the while making it extremely interesting and innovative. 

Best Foreign Film: Biutiful
This is probably the one with the best name recognition and considering the academy has gone with more obscure foreign films in the past few years, I expect they'll go with the film with a known director and actor.

Best Animated Feature: Toy Story 3
Not surprising, and Pixar continues its dominance.

Best Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin- The Social Network
Once again, not surprising.  Sorkin's Script has won major awards in the pre-oscar race, and don't be surprised if he takes home the statue again tonight.

Best Original Screenplay: Christopher Nolan- Inception
This is a consolation prize for Nolan, considering that Nolan wasn't nominated for Best Director.  This way the Academy can give him a prize without giving him Best Director.

Best Supporting Actress: Hailee Stenfield- True Grit
The big shocker of the night comes in this category.  Steinfeld and the film have been gaining steam, so if she comes home with the Oscar I wouldn't be surprised.

Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale- The Fighter
This category is wide open with no clear front runner, although Geoffrey Rush may be a strong contender, he has already won the Oscar in the past; although John Hawkes has been gathering steam for his performance, I feel that he is too much of an unknown to win.  Expect Bale to take home the Oscar for his performance as Irish Mickey Ward's drug addicted brother. 

Best Actress: Annette Bening- The Kids Are All Right
Although Portman deserves and should win for "Black Swan", Bening is the sentimental favorite to win.  Plus she has alot of clout considering she is married to Mr. Warren Beatty.

Best Actor: Colin Firth- The King's Speech
Really no surprises.  Firth is going to win Best Actor.  End of story.

Best Director: David Fincher- The Social Network
This is not surprising either, Fincher has won the major pre-oscar awards and will probably win again.

Best Picture: The King's Speech
Although "The Social Network" may take it, The King's Speech is more of an Oscar Choice, and a damn good movie.  That is all for the picks!

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